“Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’” - Matthew 28:18-20
At Restored Church Anchorage, we are committed to making maturing disciples of Christ and planting church planting churches.
We believe that the mission of the church is to follow the Great Commission of Jesus Christ. Therefore, as Christians who have made Jesus the Lord of our lives, we are committed to helping people of all nations, creeds, colors, languages and statuses to become disciples of Jesus Christ; to enter into a saving relationship with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit through baptism; and to grow in their obedience to God’s Word, guided by the Holy Spirit.
Our goal is to be a church full of disciples that love God with all of our hearts, souls, minds and strength, and that love each other just as Jesus loved us (Matthew 22:37-40, John 13:34-35). We want to lead the way in laying down our lives for each other and emphasize the need for every disciple to be a committed servant in the body of Christ (1 John 3:16, Mark 10:43-45). We want to reach out within our community and share our faith, so that through us, God can make disciples of all the nations living around us, (Matthew 28:18-20) and bring them into a loving, serving and maturing body of Christ (Ephesians 4:11-16). With this in mind we would like to emphasize the following seven key areas:
The primary role of God’s family is to be a worshiping community in attitude and lifestyle (Matthew 4:10, John 4:23-24, Romans 12:1-2). In worship, we seek to honor God with gratitude, humility, and awe. Our walk with Him should reflect consistent devotion and focus daily.
A desire to be like God flows from true worship. He calls us to be separate from the world and to reflect His holiness (Leviticus 11:45, 1 Thessalonians 4:7). Holiness is more than avoiding sin; it’s about seeking God passionately and hungering for righteousness. Jesus must be Lord of our lives.
We believe Christianity is a one-another faith. As God’s family, we share a common faith, love, and bond. We are called to love, forgive, encourage, serve, sacrifice, and share our hearts and possessions with one another (Romans 12:9, 1 Corinthians 12:12-39, Galatians 5:13-26).
We are committed to making disciples and baptizing them into Christ (Acts 2:38, Ephesians 4:1-7) and to growing, training, and equipping them for kingdom life (Ephesians 4:11-16). We follow the biblical call to help each other grow through accountability and seeking and sharing biblical advice.
Our church is built on the biblical call to address the world’s hurts and needs. Jesus’ mission was to give His life for others (John 12:24-26). A servant-heart of sacrifice—showing care for others and giving time and money—is rooted in both the Old and New Testaments.
We are committed to declaring Jesus as Lord and Savior (1 Peter 2:9-10, 1 Peter 3:15). Evangelism should be personal and natural, rooted in love for God and others. We provide small groups and larger gatherings to inspire a deep commitment to sharing the good news of Christ and helping others follow Him.
We are committed to making a difference in the world around us. Jesus calls His followers to be salt and light to leaven a world needing higher morals and standards (Matthew 5:13-16). We aim to impact others through marriage support, parenting classes, generosity, and helping the poor and the sick locally and globally.
We invite you to explore our beliefs and join us in our pursuit of living out our faith with boldness and passion.
We believe in the Trinity, a foundational Christian doctrine that describes God as one being in three persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. Each person of the Trinity is distinct, yet they exist co-equally and co-eternally, sharing the same essence and divine nature. The Father is the Creator, the Son is our Savior who took on human form for our redemption, and the Holy Spirit is our Comforter and Guide. This belief underscores the complex unity and the relational aspect of God’s character, reflecting His love, grace, and truth throughout Scripture and in our lives.
We believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the central figure of Christianity and the Word made flesh, as declared in John 14:6, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Sent by God, Jesus' sacrifice on the cross offers us redemption and the promise of eternal life. His teachings on love, forgiveness, humility, and the importance of repentance shape our core beliefs. The resurrection of Jesus not only confirms His divine nature but also secures eternal life for all believers. Called to emulate His holiness and love, we strive to live out the gospel, sharing the transformative power of His sacrifice and the hope of His message with the world.
We believe in the divine inspiration of the Bible, that it is the true and inspired word of God. We believe that the Bible is our standard for life, and its truth, integrity, and relevance is of utmost importance. The Bible is not just a book, but a living guide, full of God’s wisdom and guidance. Through scripture, we learn about God’s character, how to live and act, and how to grow in our spiritual journey. We believe that by reading and studying the Bible, we are able to draw closer to God and deepen our understanding of His love.
We believe biblical salvation is a transformative journey initiated by faith in Jesus Christ, as He declared, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life" (John 14:6), the sole pathway to the Father. This salvation encompasses repentance, spiritual rebirth, and baptism, which symbolizes our participation in our union with Christ in His death and resurrection, and marking our transition from a life of sin to a life of righteousness in Him. Salvation is accessible through a personal relationship with Jesus after baptism, reflecting a profound change of heart and spirit. It invites us into a transformed existence that mirrors the character of Christ, powered by the Holy Spirit, and commits us to a life of holiness, service, and the spreading of the gospel.
We believe baptism transcends symbolism, serving as a participatory act in Christ’s death, burial and resurrection, and the moment salvation is embraced. Rooted in Acts 2:22-39, Romans 6:1-4, and John 3:1-21, baptism is seen as an essential response to the gospel, marking the receipt of the Holy Spirit and forgiveness of sins. It signifies the believer’s union with Christ, a transformation from an old life of sin to a new existence in righteousness. Through baptism, believers publicly affirm their faith, participate in the life-changing reality of Christ, and commence their journey in the Spirit-filled life. This understanding underscores baptism's role in the believer's spiritual rebirth, emphasizing its necessity and significance in the Christian walk.
We believe in the vital role of the Holy Spirit in a disciple's life, as the Comforter, Counselor, and source of transformative power, guided by teachings from Galatians 5:22-23 and throughout Scripture. The Holy Spirit indwells believers, producing in them the fruit of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, and more, evidencing His work within. He empowers us for service, endows us with spiritual gifts, and assures us of our salvation. As the agent of regeneration and renewal, the Holy Spirit is essential for spiritual growth, enabling us to live lives that reflect Christ's character and fulfill God's mission. Through His guidance and strength, we navigate the disciple's journey, equipped and encouraged to manifest God's love in every aspect of our lives.
We believe in the Christian doctrinal belief of The Church. We believe that the Church is a holy assembly of believers, united in faith and love. We strive to be a community of believers who are united in our faith in Jesus Christ and in our commitment to serve Him and His kingdom. We are committed to loving God and loving others, and to be known for our love for one another. We believe that the Church is a body of believers who are called to serve and to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to all people. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we seek to be faithful disciples of Jesus and to follow His teachings. We strive to live out our faith through loving actions and service to our community and the world.
We believe in the power of prayer, both individually and corporately, as an expression of faith in God's work in our lives. Prayer is an essential part of a Christian life and is used to talk to God and to communicate with Him. We pray for guidance, strength, healing, protection, and for our families, friends, and community. Through prayer, we seek to deepen our understanding of God's will and His plans for our lives. Praying helps us grow closer to God and to gain a better understanding of His will and how we can best serve Him. When we pray, we open ourselves up to God and He will answer us in His own way and in His own time. Prayer is a beautiful and powerful way to communicate with our Heavenly Father and to seek His love and guidance.
We believe that Christianity is a one-another religion. We are the family of God! We share a common faith, common blood and a common love for God and each other. Our commitment is to love, forgive, encourage, serve, lay down our lives, and to share our possessions and our hearts with each other (Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, Galatians 5:13-26).